Way back in the mists of time, when this blog was all shiny and brand new, I did a little bit of spinning. It was a short-lived interest, as I didn't have the desire to practise enough to actually get good at it. Fast-forward to December, and the friend who lent me the wheel returned from her travels, and I spent a crazy week spinning up the other half of that lovely BabyLongLegs fibre.
The results sat on the side for a couple of months as I wasn't that happy with some of the thicker, less-twisted parts of the two skeins. Finally, I soaked and banged them around a bit on the recomendation of a friend, and they look much better! They are nowhere near to how lovely they would be if spun by someone who really knew what they were doing, but I'm happy enough to knit them up for my own use. I'm thinking about using the Lava cowl from the latest issue of The Knitter as inspiration. It's a lovely simple design by Eline Oftedal, and uses bands of reverse stocking stitch, so there's nothing to distract from the yarn.
Here's a close-up to give you more of an idea of its texture.
The fibre was lovely to work with, and I have about 200m of worsted weight yarn to play with.
I don't think that I'll be a proper spinner any time soon, as the wheel I borrowed just sat in the corner for most of the year that I had it. I would rather be knitting or sewing and at the moment, there isn't time for everything.